Ending a Marriage – Annulment vs Divorce

Written by Colin Steffler In Ontario, there are two ways to legally end a marriage: divorce or annulment. While both have the same practical result (the marriage is ended), there are significant differences. In annulment vs divorce, While some of these differences are rather technical, they stem from a fairly simple point: a divorce […]
How To Financially Recover from a Separation/Divorce

By Allison McAlpine Going through a separation/divorce can wreak havoc on a person’s financial health. From legal fees, to splitting up assets, to having the same amount of family income at separation now funding two separate households after separation. It’s tough. There are some steps you can take, though, to minimize the financial impact of […]
How To Prepare An Uncontested Divorce In Barrie, Ontario

Written by Allison R. McAlpine In Ontario, obtaining an uncontested divorce is fairly straightforward. Our office prepares these on a flat fee basis so long as they are in Barrie and the other party cooperates with service. Please contact our office for information about fees. Before proceeding with a Divorce, you should ensure that you […]
Be Careful Who You Sleep With – Child Support and “Involuntary” Fatherhood

Written by Colin A. Steffler. Let’s say, hypothetically, that you, a male, meet a woman and begin an intimate relationship. You make it clear throughout that relationship that you are not ready to become a father and not interested in having children until some point far in the future (or, perhaps, not at all). She […]