Child Support Tables updated as of November 22, 2017

Written By Allison R. McAlpine

The Child Support Tables under the Federal Child Support Guidelines were updated and took effect on November 22, 2017. The Federal Government updated the Tables to reflect more recent tax rules.

In Ontario, the amount of child support that a parent pays is largely governed by the Child Support Tables under the Child Support Guidelines – you determine the province the payor is from, the payer’s income, and how many children are entitled to support, and find the corresponding amount under the Tables to arrive at a monthly child support amount. This is a generalization and can be affected by claims for undue hardship, shared physical custody or split custody, incomes over $150,000, children over the age of 18 years and other issues. Further, this monthly amount does not include the amounts required for add-on expenses (special or extraordinary expenses such as health expenses, child care, educational expenses, and extracurricular activity expenses).

If you have a child support order or agreement you may want to update it to reflect the new Tables. If you are in the process of obtaining or negotiating a court order or agreement dealing with child support you should look at the new tables to see what the updated obligation is.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child support rights or obligations please contact our office at 705-302-3696 to book a consultation with one of our lawyers and we would be happy to assist you.

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