Written by Kara-Lynne Chapman
In situations in which children reside primarily with one parent, child support is fairly straightforward to calculate. We look to the Child Support Guidelines and determine what the support payer’s obligation is based on his/her gross annual income and how many children are entitled to support. However, in situations where the children either spend roughly equal amounts of time with each parent or where one child lives with Mom and another lives with Dad, determining the amount of child support to be paid can be more complicated. In situations in which children reside primarily with one parent, child support is fairly straightforward to calculate. We look to the Child Support Guidelines and determine what the support payer’s obligation is based on his/her gross annual income and how many children are entitled to support. However, in situations where the children either spend roughly equal amounts of time with each parent or where one child lives with Mom and another lives with Dad, determining the amount of child support to be paid can be more complicated.