Starting a Family Court Case and First Appearances

a house with a gavel down the middle and surrounded by a family.

Written by Allison R. McAlpine Being involved in a family law court case is overwhelming for most clients. The process involves numerous court dates which are not self-explanatory processes.   Those include the pleadings stage, first appearances, urgent motions as opposed to motions after a case conferences, case conferences/DRO conferences, settlement conferences, trial scheduling and trial […]

A Caution Regarding Online Family Law Resources

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Written by Colin A. Steffler This blog is one of many resources available online that attempts to provide some basic information about family law. Many other family law firms have similar blogs where they try to answer simple, frequently-asked questions relating to separation and divorce, or to the legal system more generally. There are also […]

Ways to Save Legal Fees in a Family Law Case

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Written by Allison R. McAlpine Hiring a lawyer to represent you in a family law case can be expensive – we get it. Below we offer some tips on how to save legal fees when working with a lawyer in a family law case: WORK WITH A MEDIATOR BEFORE HIRING A LAWYER You should meet […]